Teehee at the title, which makes complete sense in my world. I am going to go back in all of my blog posts, and edit them, to write in the song titles of the names of the posts (long sentence there.)
Anyway. School is awesome, the teachers are either boring or funny, etc. You want better stories than that. So here they are.
Awesome/Weird Story Number One: I was walking from the third floor of my school to the first, and I stopped on the second floor accidently, and started walking 'toward the science classroom' (this is possible, since all floors have the same layout). I looked around and noticed that I was on the second floor, not the first, and screamed "No! Not again! I'm not doing this again!" at a wall. 5 people turned around.
Awesome/Weird Story Number Two: I was walking toward my locker, minding my own business, when I see an 8th grade guy call out to his friend. His friend right away, accidently, drops all of his music homework.
I see that one of the papers is right by my feet, and pick it up, giving it to the 8th grade guy.
I start walking again, not really caring about it, when I hear a yell. "Thank you! You're a good person!"
I didn't know who they were screaming to, so I kept walking. "You! You're a good person!" To this, I turned around to see the guy waving the paper I'd given him, pointing to me.
"I don't know about you, but you're pretty good too!" I yelled back, and nearly walked into a wall. Good times.
Awesome/Weird Story Number Three: I messed up my classes, like in number one, and I walked all the way to where my locker would be on the first floor, but on the second floor once again.
I ran quickly down the stairs and 'power-walked' to my locker (since we're not allowed to run.)
I rushed to my locker, opened it, grabbed my science book, and slammed it shut. I turned around and saw another guy in my 'locker bay', who seemed to look up at me once I slammed it.
I gave a quick "Hi!" and continued walking, remembering this was the guy from my homeroom.
I kept walking toward the science classroom, when I hear footsteps and a voice that says "Which class are you going to?"
I turned around to see him. "Science. I'm so late! I thought I was on the first floor, but I was on the second!" I laughed nervously and kept on walking.
"Oh." He was trotting to keep up now. "All the girls are saying that Mr. Madel is cute or something..." He murmurred, but since he was right next to me, I could hear him.
Interesting convorstation starter. I thought, but answered. "Eh, he's ok. I mean, he's nice, but, to me, nothing of the sort." Now I laugh, and I'm nearly at the classroom.
He seemed incredibly relived to hear this. "Kay then. See ya around!" He skipped up the stairs.
I made it to class on time. Thank you.
Awesome Story Number Four: I was walking home, and telling my mom about how whenever I feel sad, I think about how either, 1. A person that I don't know says I'm a 'good person'.
My second one was 'I think about what babies would look like with mustaches.'
Just my luck, an 8th grader was biking by, and he turned around and yelled "What? I mean, what did you just say?"
"Mustache baby!" I tell him and he nearly, just like from my last blog post, crashes into a car. I love this city.
That's all for right now. Might edit this. Bye XP
So...The title here is 'Hey Stephen' by Taylor Swift.