Saturday, August 28, 2010

I'm Pretty Sure You're the One For Me, They'll Stream Our Wedding On BlogTV

Another new name, another day.
Sorry for not blogging. I was getting married! Just kidding. I hope you didn't believe that. But I have had more guys...follow me with their eyes *ahem* since the start! Yaay.

First of all. I love school. I love that you are stuck in a building for 7 1/2 hours with about 800 others. I love that you aren't stuck with your parents. It rocks.
I got a locker, and it's a good little locker, and it always opens for me. I have to tug the handle a little hard, but it opens no problem. All my other friends complain about their lockers not opening, but not me. I love my locker, I repeat.
My math teacher is James Bond.
But you want 'exciting' 'fast paced' stuff to read. So here you go.
You guessed it.

Guy stories.
In the order of rememberance.

Guy Story Number ONE: I was walking home from Border's and the dry cleaners, playing with my phone. I was carrying my dad's dry cleaned pants, and a Border's plastic bag.
So I'm minding my own business, not doing anything weird, while I hear a bicycle behind me (you know, you can hear those chains or the wheels or whatever.)
Of course, there's someone riding a bicycle on the road near me. And so I glance up from my phone, almost an instinct.
And I see a...high-school guy, probably in his first or second year, and he's staring at me while riding his bike top speed. So I'm just staring back, and he quickly looks away, and nearly crashes into a parked car.
I thought about giving his back the finger, but I applauded instead.

Guy Story Number TWO: I was coming out of my 'Speech, Drama, and Debate' class on third floor, walking toward the staircase to get to the first floor.
As I pass by the stretch of lockers near the staircase, I over hear a 7th grader/2nd year guy and an 8th grader/3rd year guy talking. I hear the words '6th graders...' and something about 'how tall they are these days.'
Making a quick decision, as I walk by them, I raise my hand and loudly say "6th grader!". I did this because both were shorter than me, and seemed unable to beat me up in anyway. And girlfriendless, no surprise there.
They notice me, and one yells back "Really?" I stop walking and turn back to face him.
"Yeah, really." I smile and wait for them to catch up, I'm halfway down the first flight of stairs.
"Wow, you must be kidding me! Not true!" He's wearing orange, I note. Dirty blond hair. A bit of chubbiness. He ran to keep up with me.
I keep walking down the stairs, hugging my bag. "True. I'm 11. 6th grade." I tell him, laughing.
His buddy is lost in the crowd somewhere. I'm on the second flight of stairs now.
"You must be in 7th, at least!" He insists, passing me. I'm pretty sure the 2nd floor is his destination.
"No! 6th!" I tell him, easily catching up.
"Might be hard to believe, but I'm in 8th grade." He laughs and runs his hand through his hair.
"Yeah, that's hard. I'm not changing my grade anyway." I laugh and skip down the second to last flight of stairs. "Bye!" I yell over my shoulder, though he's technically right there.
He shook his head and ran back up to the 2nd floor. Oh, how romantic. -.-

Guy Story Number THREE: I was walking toward home with AJ and Kat, us just chatting, our ID tags hanging from our necks.
I most likely look drunk, from my uneven steps and laughing like an idiot, and clapping. Anyway.
We were walking by an intersection, and we see a red SUV drive slowly past us.
As it slows, a guy leans out, probably in 6th grade, same as us. "Hi!!!!!" He screams, nearly falling out of the window.
AJ and Kat unromantically start laughing uncontrollably. I start laughing, and, thinking fast, I scream back "HI! I LOVE YOU!" And I do a hand-heart sign toward the now speeding SUV.
I seriously have no idea who that is. I hope I found out.
Guy in the SUV...we need to talk.

I'm ugly. No thoughts on that. Yeah. I love my life, because of these. Comment X)

The title is 'Mrs. Nerimon' by Italktosnakes.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Let's See...What Should I Name This One...

Well. I'm in the library with AJ, her cousin Katie, Kat, and her little sis Rachie. Still am. I was singing to CleverBot up to now.
Valuable info I found out from CleverBot is that hell is in her toaster, and Virginia is in Kat's.

When something's wrong, who you gonna call? TOASTBUSTERS.

Anyway...we have renamed the library the liberry. This is a delicious lime and berry drink with shavings and toppings of assorted book items.

Because this is my blog, Kat. Mushrooms are not mentioned in a baby blog. Thank you.

AJ, I am not naming my children Alfanzo or Chuck Norris. Sorry. The two guys will be Xommon and Arkan, and the girl Winter. Thank you.

I hope you enjoyed my talkitve little post. That's all.

Monday, August 16, 2010

I Wanna Be Like You...Human Too...

As requested by AJ/superhyper, I am going to do a post about her BRAVO show, The Jungle Book. It's a little late, but better late than never. Fine, a lot late. Either way, here it is.

First of all, The Jungle Book is one of my all-time favorite books and movies. Love the Disney version, the book, etc. ♥

The actors were all awesome XD. AJ was a coil of Kaa the snake. Two of my other friends were palm trees. But it really was great. They didn't go a single second off beat, and they didn't skip any songs.
Usually they just skip all the songs, especially 'hard' ones. But all of them were in there too.

AJ was great, and I must add the fact that she didn't wear her glasses, so she was technically blind. And she was still the greatest. I'm not exagerating either.

This is a short post, but I really loved your show AJ. I'm going to the next show, whenever that will be.

My dad agrees, and he never agrees with anything. At 5 am, he woke me up with a 'AND THE OSCAR GOES TO...MISS A_____ J____!' (I have sensored her name from the interwebs, because...just because.)

Nothing else. Sorry for the little time gap in the posts.

The title is 'I Wanna Be Like You' from the Jungle Book.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Baby Shower. Argh

Yesterday, like the top of the post implies, I went to a baby shower. No it wasn't for me, dirty minded people.

It was for a little 3-month old boy, and I was invited to take care of him, which I didn't do. The thing, called William was just passed around the circle.
I'm scared of holding babies. They are so fragile, and when they cry, it's hard for me to control my anger. I want to squeeze their soft heads with my hands, until they stop crying. It's so creepy.

Anyway! I noticed that I messed up a tag. It was supposed to be one tag, called 'Huge Update, OMFG'. But Blogger thought it meant that I wanted two, so that's what I have. 'Huge Update' is one tag 'OMFG' is another.
You don't need to know that, but now you do.

I'm also going to go on FaceBook, and recording me reading the posts off here. Yay.

Monday, August 9, 2010

I Have Decided To Rename My Blog (shock)

Yep. I have renamed it 'Here Comes My Baby' after my new favorite song, called, you guessed it, 'Here Comes My Baby.'
And to me, that's the most awesome name ever. Yes really.

But 'The Empty Space!' will never be forgotten. ^-^

The blog won't change to a 'heartless, empty-hearted, heartbroken heartbreaker' blog, so don't worry. Keep following.

The song was originally by Cat Stevens, but there was a modern remake by the Sons of Admirals, which is the version I prefer.
The Sons of Admirals are Charlie McDonnell, Edd Plant, Alex Day, and Tom Wilson. Yay.

On FaceBook, I started vlogging, because I'm not yet sure how to post to YouTube, and I don't want to yet.


Saturday, August 7, 2010

McDougal Littell Middle School MATH Course 2

I am actually studying the math book I'll be using next year, hence the title. Yeah, I have no life.
But that's not what the rest of this post is about...

What it is about is what I doodled on myself after I went swimming.
I had found a blue eraseable pen and, after eating a 'medium' from Ben and Jerry's, it seemed like a good idea to draw/write whatever came to mind.
And now I BLOG IT. Here goes.

Pictures On Left Arm:
The Back of A Tiger's Head
A Vampire Smiley
A '=D' Smiley
A '=P' Smiley
A '=3' Smiley
A '=S' Smiley
A Bear Paw
A Howling Wolf Head
An Elm Leaf
An Arrow Pointing Right
A Smudge

Writing on Left Arm:
'Road Trip Wolf Girl'

Other Junk On Left Arm:
Left Hand Is Traced

Drawings on Right Leg:
A Fat Rabbit with Whiskers and This Face: ^-^
A Creepy Smiley with a Head
A Smudge

Writing on Right Leg:
'Weathe organs of cute little bunnies.'
'Sorry guys, I'm single.'

Done. Now two of my body parts are a piece of history.

Peace out.

Friday, August 6, 2010

AJ's So Pale, I'm Not Tan, Dad's Kinda Bitchy and But Yet All Man...Singing to the Moon, Thinking To Myself, Hey, Isn't Gabe Sleazy?

The title has really nothing to do with the post, since this will be the second edition of my:

Well, first of all, I saw Kat today, finally. She is back from China, like I mentioned, and today we said hi to each other, and then...she had to leave. Of course.

I had another dream that I really haven't discussed with AJ, who usually 'interprets' or at least focuses me on thinking about my dreams.
So, here it goes.

The setting is like a desert, with gorgeous mountains and a blue sky as a background. So of course, this is in Arizona or Nevada.
It seems like I'm there for summer camp, with a bunch of people I don't know.
Except I apprently know one. This guy's (yes, guy's) name is Gio, which is short for Giovanni (I think.)
And I apprently am totally nuts over him. He was fighting...or something, so apprently it was a ninja/ninjustu camp. Not sure.
He looks kinda African-American, but I really can't tell. He has that almost completely shaved look for his hair, which is black. Tanned skin and this kinda crooked smile, like he's trying to hold back a laugh. He has black-brown eyes that seem to just be a passage to his hair.
My alive self can see why my dream self fell for him, kinda.
Anyway, I'm fawning over Gio as he fights, and this other guy, (no joke) flies in out of nowhere, with this rose. And he gives it to me, along with what looks like a huge neon Post-It Note.
This guy is gorgeous. He has scruffy light-brown hair that goes to the middle of his neck, super pale skin, and blue eyes that track my every move. I don't understand why my dream self doesn't love this guy.
I can't read it, because he doesn't give it to me, actually, just kinda holds it.
So my stupid dream-self puts my head on his shoulder (!) and reads the note.
'I am Viezenna. I have come to meet you.'
How corny, right? Viezenna, crap on his face, starts to walk away, making my dream-self follow him, my head still on his shoulder.
He puts his arm over my shoulder and we kinda walk, or I do this skipping thing to keep up.


Then later, there's a play. I'm in it along with some other guy. It's kinda like a two-man show of Tarzan.
I was Thantor.
Thantor is an elephant. Yipee.
So I stomp around, and the Tarzan dude, (no crap) throws me to New York, and goes 'I need to go find a manly victim. Stay here'.
I nod and look at the United States Map next to me.
I point to (I think) Minnesota, and go "M-I." Then I point to some unknown state. "R-A."
Did I mention I point with my CLAWS now?
'This should be harder...LO..."

And then I wake up. Scared.

I also would like to mention that I now 'radiate' myself with a blue bouncy ball. I get high/a sugar rush off of it. Not sure how.

My awesome necklace is right next to me. I probably haven't explained the awesomeness of it yet.
It's a silver 'string', but the other beads don't move on it, first of all.
Then there's a little circle silver bead, and a turqiuose cylinder bead. Really tiny.
A little circle, then red.
A little circle, then yellow/gold.
A little circle, then black.
A little circle and green.
And then a break.
It goes down 'till the curve in the necklace, and then there is a Native American rug-like pendeant.
Attached to that are two silver feathers, with one turquiose cylinder bead on top of each.

It's so luffly. They stand for (named by me :])...
Turquiose in the string: Water
Red: Fire
Yellow/gold: Air
Black: Metal
Green: Earth
Pendeant-thing: Earth
Feathers: Sky

Such a long post X-X

The title is my spoof of a spoof called 'You Belong With Me', the original by Taylor Swift.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Updates to the Blog and Other Things that Come to Mind

We have a gorgeous new background template, thanks to the template designer that comes with Blogger in Draft.
I decided that I should pay Mother Nature some 'respect', and change the background. It will be winter soon enough.

Also, there's a new poll on the side of the blog, go ahead and vote. It can only be open until September, since after that, I'll edit it and re-post it.

There's a slideshow that I installed, since I finally learned how to. The keyword is 'gemstones'. This will change when it feels like it should.

The blog is now nice and 'tidy', looking much better.

There is also a few movies I want to see, and since that's what came to mind, here I go...
First, I want to see 'Dinner for Shumucks', 'cause the actors look familar, and AJ's brother personally told me that it was good.

There's a movie coming to theaters called 'Vampires Suck'. It's basically a parody of the Twilight Saga. It looks hilarous, and since I read the books, this will be hil-arous.

'Alpha and Omega.' I have absoultly no idea what it's about, but it seems that wolfish-huskish characters are, for once, not the 'bad guys'. I must see it.

Also, welcome back, Kat! She is an admin and creator of a few of the sites/blogs on here, including 'Screaming Corn Puffs', 'Screaming Cheese Fan', and 'Been there, Done that'.
She's the one who introduced me to blogging, so you can go thank her and kiss her feet for all the idiotic stories I post. She follows this blog.
By the way, she came back from China.

The-the-the-that's all folks!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Or maybe you will. Either way.


Ok, I'll calm down. Kinda.
His name is Baby Toshi, and he's a Toshiba Netbook. He's dark blue and silverish. ♥
I'm typing on him right now. =)
But all good things come with a price, right? I did my little price roundabout too.

My parents left to get their haircut, me alone in the house. And this FedEx lady calls my home phone. "There's a package for you." But it sounds like "Thur's uh puckage fur yuh." I somehow understand and let her in through the door.
I skipped down to 'recieve' my package, which held my wonderful Baby Toshi. There are two elevators at my apartment complex, if you are just joining us.
I got down to the first floor and looked around, no FedEx lady in sight. I shrug and go back up, thinking that the lady might have gone up to the second floor, and I try to fidget. Then I remember. I have no keys. I have completely locked myself out.
I sit down in the one single chair in the hallway. I can only wait for my parents to get home. I sit down and put my head in my hands. Kicking down the door or pulling it out of the wall would make too much noise.
As I do self-pity exercises in the most uncomfortable chair there is and ever will be, a lady comes out of the elevator. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.  Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Goes the elevator.
"What happened, sweetie?" She asks me softly. I recognize her. The lady is our neighbor to the left.
"I got locked out." I manage to say. I don't know how I could explain this all.
"Ohhh..." And the lady toddled away, and I kept sitting there, waiting for my parents. A stupid haircut sure took long.
"Do you want to use my phone?" The lady is back, and I nod madly. I follow her to her apartment, the hot pink wall nearly knocking me off my feet. "Is she at home?" The lady asks me.
"Oh parents are all at cuttery." I explain. The lady thought that my parents threw me out of the house, and refuse to give me my keys.
I pick up the phone and dial my mom's number. I stare at the mounted strawberry plates on the wall. Then the apricot version. Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice messaging device. If y-. Shut up, Gladys, I tell the messaging device quietly.
I dial again. MICI! MIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I hear screaming in the hallway. I jog out of the lady's apartment, seeing my mom in the hallway.

Happy ending. :)