Thursday, August 18, 2011

I Have No Clue What To Say

Yes. I still love you. You've changed so much...But I'm sure we can get used to one another.
Oh, it's been so long.
You never call...
-End Blogger Love Letter-

Ok, number one, what the hell happened to Blogger? Everything looks new. That's not right.

Well, yeah. I didn't write/blog since the beginning of summer vacation (or earlier)...and now vacation will be over. In 6 days. Damn.

I do love you guys. I can't believe that in the last few days, my blog still got views. I mean really? This blog hasn't had an update for months, but people come to see if maybe, just maybe, I posted. I love you guys.


I went to Washington DC. I'm not going to write about how I walk to the monuments or anything, because everyone knows about monuments.

Let's write about something else.

First of all, there are a lot of gingers in DC, which isn't a problem. I saw a boy that looked 100% like Ron Weasley. So on my phone, I made a Weasley counter. Yes, I counted how many of the Weasleys I saw.
The number was frighteningly large.

I would also like to say that the number of...muy attractive guys is high in DC as well. If you are a guy reading this, and you are from Washington DC...You are probably cute. Thank you.

I also went to Chinchoytguoaevyuhgue Island, which was awesome. I would like to compliement the 'Pony Tracks' ice cream there.

I went to Harper's Ferry. Their frozen custard is amazing. The guards are quite recommendable as well.

Now that you know the highlight of my summer, let's blab about how I got my schedule yesterday.
I got my schedule yesterday. It's quite nice. Though I'm sure that they messed it up.

For fear of someone finding out who I am, I will not say the teachers' names. Just subjects. Here goes.
Science, Social Studies, Langague Arts, Lunch, Gym, Math, French, Spanish.
Yes, I'm taking both French and Spanish.

I know that this will result in me walking into Spanish class one day and screaming 'BONJOUR!' Hopefully this won't happen.

I also went to the Taylor Swift Concert in my area (TWSS) and it was great. I got bracelets for my girls Kat and AJ.

Speaking of me as usual, I was informed that my profile says something about a moist waffle? I have no clue how that got there. Anyway, feel free to check that out.

I hope you got your fix of my writing for now. Sorry in advance if I die again.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wow Guys...I'm Sorry

I abandoned you. No, it's not your fault. Really.

I mean, I just never got around to blogging. I give you a brief recap.

I held a tarantula in my hand. I saw a beaver getting cut in half. I got four virtual double chins. I went through a whole production of the Wiz. I learned how to play a bunch of awesome songs on the piano. My piano teacher moved. I crewed for four concerts. And I got asked out twice. By the same guy.

Tarantula & Beaver: Field Museum Behind The Scenes Member Night. Sooperdooper cool. Went with AJ, who was my sister for that day.
Double Chins: From my trip to the Science and Industry Museum. Went with Kat, because it was free.
The Wiz: A 'black version of the Wizard of Oz" I love so many of the higher graders now. <3 <3 <3
Piano: Should explain it
Teacher Moved: New studio next to a mint green restaurant. Also sooperdooper.
Four Concerts: Band, Orchestra, Elementary, and Chorus. Loved all of them. Got ice cream.
Mr. Romeo: Don't know him very well (read as: I know his name and his face. That's all). One grade above me. Asked me twice with an interval of 5 minutes between, but neither suceeded.

I'm thinking about making a new blog! Don't get all excited now...Just a possiblity ;D

Monday, March 21, 2011

Wow. I'm An Idiot

I just went back and discovered that about half of my last post was the same as the post before it.


Who Cares Baby, I Think I Wanna Marry You

Wow. I want to marry you too Bruno Mars, c'mhere honey <3

Nah. ChrisTOFU Drew is my man of the day. But that's not what I'm going to talk about today.

First of all, I'm sorry that I only update this blog once a month, but hey, less is more.

Agenda for today:

1. I got asked out
2. Tubas
3. Oddfish
4. ChrisTofu
5. Guitar
6. Europe
7. Taylor Swift

I said no.

The story starts with me, AJ, and Kat walking out of school, normal day, ho-hum.
Then there's a group of Graders (whenever I say 'Graders,' I mean people above my own grade. So yeah).

Anyway, a group of Graders are sitting on someone's lawn, and I try not to trip as I walk over them. About 5 of them either wolf-whistle or scream 'HI JEN. <3'
I just nod and smile like a moviestar, trying to get through the male clump, and a guy screams 'WANNA SEE A MOVIE?'
I keep walking. 'WANNA SEE A MOVIE ON FRIDAY WITH ME?' They keep screaming, I turn around and I see this Grader (one that called me sexy on FaceBook, but that's another story), jumping and waving his arms.

I naturally think of good things to say now, such as: 'I rather stick shards of glass up my ass.' or maybe flipping them off behind my back with the lollipop I was eating.

Either way, I'm not sure if they'll be there tomorrow. If they are, I'll be ready.

I was at my locker before Number One, above, took place, and AJ was just singing this 'BOM BOM BOM BOM' song into my ears, so that they still ring.
Either way, I was just standing there, and she goes:

I would love to be paid to follow around a fat person with a tuba.

I'm happy to admit that I went into hysterical laughter after that. Love love.


We had literacy week at my school. They got some author guy to come, and read some of his book to us. We thought it'd be lame. Well...

I took notes on it, and it was actually pretty good. I mean, apology guns, and litterboxes, and eyeballs, and beer, and underwear made of leather, and tranksters, and stuff.

What's not to love? Order Of Oddfish. Click MEH


I have the Drew Flu. Nevershoutnever. They're a band, and I'm thinking of renaming my blog "YourBiggestFan" for awhile. Gimme your opinions on that, please.

Btw, he's super hot in my eyes. Just letting you know.


I'm trying to teach myself guitar on the iPad. If I already talked about this forgive me.

I gave up on it because the iPad only senses two touches at once, and you need at least three for a normal guitar. So I just play chord by chord now.


Going to Europe over spring break, so you won't see much of me then, not that you normally would, har har. Thought you might want to know, you stalker >D


Going to her concert on August 10, hopefully. So you can stalk me there too :P


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Another Thing (I'm Too Lazy To Edit)

We were in the library, and the librarian was droning on about Google search terms. I was insanely bored and all, and then she said something I could logic my way out of.

"If you're searching, speak caveman. Don't say 'What causes the lightning?' Say something like 'Cause lightning' Cavemen don't know the word 'what'"

HOW THE HELL DO CAVEMEN KNOW THE WORD 'LIGHTNING'? I didn't know that word 'till the 1st grade.

This is what cavemen say: Ooh, ooh, aaah, wuh, mah.

I'm pretty sure that if I searched that on Google, the Google editors would not be pleased.

That is all <3

Sorry, I Was Sick


Oh yes, you read that right. Now keep reading.

Christofer Drew has now been bumped to the top 5 of my list of 'People I Will Never Marry But Insanely Want To"

He is cute (really), funny (really), he curse (like me, and really), he plays guitar (really), and he sings songs. About LOOOOVE.

Really ♥

Speaking of which, I'm trying to teach myself guitar. It's not working out. I'm not bad or anything, it's just that I don't have a guitar.

Yeah. I play ♪Musico♫ on my dad's iPad, which isn't that bad. The problem is, the iPad only senses two touches at once, so I can't hold down more than two strings.

I'm still good enough to play a song by Christofer (called Trouble, go look it up).

I saw the movie Rango. That was pretty 'cool.'

Today we had an author at our school. That wouldn't be weird except for the fact that he wrote a book on ripping off fingernails and making people eat them, building dollhouses out of body parts, and etc.

For those interested, you can go to your library/bookstore and hunt yourself down a copy of The Order of the Oddfish.

Stuff I rather not talk about in school will not be talked about today.


I drew a goddess. Yeah. That's something, I think.

I got back to Crewing shows and missed half a day of school because of it. Now I'm friends with some awesome Grader who's way shorter than me. I called him Marty. He dresses like a carnival guy in his shows.

Really :P

Also, PRINCESS BRIDE. I bought myself a copy of that book. It is the best. Go read it now. It sounds really lame, but it's really awesome. Delicious drolleries, beautifulest ladies, sword fighting, giants, love, hate, death, war, princes, horses, logic, ET CETERA.

I think I'll stop my drolleries here :3

Friday, February 25, 2011


Don't say yes to her,
Say yes to me,
And run away as far as both our eyes could see.

To the streets of Chicago,
We'll both run away,
To the places and alleys where our children will play.

Say yes to me,
I will be yours,
And mine you will be.

That was written by me on a sudden stroke of genius after listing to Speak Now by Tay.

I was just fantasizing how it would go into my life, and I wrote the poem in my head, rushing here to Blogger to write it down before I forgot.

I took a picture a LONG, LONG time ago, last summer actually, and that also kind of inspired that.

I took that with my cellphone, zero editing, on the moment. The bride and groom were running because they were late, not because I asked them to.

And yes, the SEARS Tower is in the back. I live in Chicago. <3

Monday, February 7, 2011

And Now You People Want to Know WHAT THE HELL is Going On...


Oh yes. Pirates of Penzance...the fourth best play I've ever seen (following AVPM, AVPS, and the Jungle Book).

I have my own script, but I won't tell you about the plotline right now.

What is awesome is that I had crew for it, of course, and at the end of the shows, all of us would run out in our paint splattered jeans and our hair in crazyness, and scream 'YEAH. YEAH. YEAH. WE CREW. YAH.'

We were the best. We had a pizza party one day, then a cake party the next, where AJ got all hyped up on Dr. Pepper, and I had to carry her around like a dogsled to keep her from attacking innocent bystanders.

A lot of people also signed my shirt. Fun.

I signed a guy's arm in red Sharpie. I believe the mark is still there.


I had my birthday. I'm ___(insert age)____ now ^^

And my birthday presents were: A bunch of spam from FaceBook. Some mittens in wolf colors from AJ. Hunger Games bracelet from AJ. A piece of caramel from Aj (<3). And this purty glog from Kat that I will link you to.

I'll finish this post tommorrow, I promise! :D

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Stories Of A Weekend's Day in Crew, and other human-made Disasters

I hate books that start with titles like that. Whatever. It's business time.

If you're just joining us me, then you won't know that I have what is called BRAVO Crew. This is the 'crew' of a theater 'workshop' at my school.

I had to go build and paint yesterday (Saturday), and I brought back a lot of stories.

First of all, I started talking about AVPM with a bunch of other people on my 'team', then we moved on to how the slogan 'Lick or Be Licked' is.

Oreo's sayings are of course followed by a string of dead baby jokes...

The snack that smiles back...BABIES.

How many babies do you need to paint a wall? Depends on how hard you throw them.

What's the difference between a Cadillac and a dead baby? There's no Cadillac in my garage.

Writing in bold makes me feel important.

Me and some guy got on the 'headset' during rehearsals, and nearly got in trouble for it too, until some other guys tried to talk into it as well, and got yelled at.

But now comes the highlight of my day and probably my week.

In the play we're working on, called Pirates of Penzance, a statue of a man is needed. We couldn't carve a stick person out of Styrofoam, that wouldn't be right. But we weren't exactly the best at free-drawing, so that was out too.
We eventually came down to two options, and both involved an 8th grader that had a creepy interest in me.

Our first idea was to dump paper-mache all over his body and feed him with a tube until the show was over, but our teacher thought that it was too dangerous and hurtful, so that was thrown out our virtual window.

The next was brought on by a random brilliance in the 5 or so of us.

We broke into the costume room and got out some sunshine yellow sweatpants, and told the 8th grader, Alex, to put them over his skinny jeans.
We then got him a black sweater about 2 sizes too small, and told him to just wear that, since he wouldn't be able to fit it over his shirt.
A stretched out hat with one eyehole was for his whole face, to make it a smooth surface.

Once he was ready, we instructed him to lay down on the bench in the 'Scene Shop' while we fetched two rolls of duct tape. I promptly taped his feet together, no chance of escape.
We got Jei's ok, and started to duct tape half of his body.
Alex had no idea what we had planned, but we told him to relax. Jei helped us with the taping, all the while the high-school spotlight director, Charlie, made a table five feet away.
After about an hour of work and help from one of the actors, we were satisfied.
'Charlie! Come here! We need your help!'

Charlie came over, and his eyes nearly popped. 'WHEN DID YOU DO THAT?'
'We've been working on this for nearly one and a half hours while you made a table.'
We told Charlie to help lift duct-taped Alex up on to his feet.
Alex couldn't even talk or stand alone, so Charlie stood behind him and held him upright while I went to go and get the director.
'Ms. R, we have a surprise for you. We can't bring it out.'
She followed me into the room, and saw exactly what I saw, a teenager covered half in duct tape dressed like a bumblebee.

'Wow! This is awesome! It should be in the yearbook!'

After a lot of pictures, we realized we'd have to get Alex out of the duct-tape.

Jei took the biggest scissors she could find, and started to cut the hat, along with some of Alex's hair, off.
I went to talk to the guy through the headset a bit more again, and when I came back to the shop, I found a half-naked 8th grader parading around, waving pink Styrofoam pieces into the air.
I stood their in shock, partly because he was heading toward me, and partly because another guy called Tyler had come in with the recycling bin, screaming 'I'VE GOT THE MATH! I'VE GOT IT!'

We stuffed Alex's cocoon with math homework, and made a pretty decent looking person.

I'm still happy.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Pigs, Hogs, Warts, Followers, and a whole lot of...SILLY Stuff


The best term I have for the snotty/stuck-up girls in my school who think they are better than others because they get manicures and show off their pink bra straps. I would call them bitches, but those are female dogs, which are beautiful. So that is out.

Read above, but in male form. None really at my school.
Note: Hogs do not wear pink bra straps. Just saying.

To quote Alex Day: I'm nearly done with the goddamn Potter Sequel. It's good, it's just very very long.

It's amazing, but anyone who hasn't expirienced it before should read Harry Potter 1-4 and then start with the Very Potter Musical, also on YouTube.

I'm not getting paid to say that.

OH YES. Jared the lovely college guy has decided to follow my blog. This is exciting for me on a huge level. My very first unknown follower.
If I knew him, I'd say something like 'I love you.' But no. But thank you <3
I owe it a bit to Kat, since she told him about my blog. But still.
You're lovely, all y'alls. Thank you.
Go And Visit This, Yeah?

Silly Stuff
He's Harry Freaking Potter ;D
Pirates of the Penzance is coming along. I painted some columns and some rocks. Then I got high off chocolate fudge. After that, we painted a girl's coat.
Then I talked to some guy backstage about how he has to act gay because there are so many girls around him all the time. I apprently am either: a) a male b) a unicorn
I have no idea any more.

I have glitter on my eyes/face, since I rubbed a sparkly drawing of mine then accidently rubbed my eyes...

I might add a new yeah.

Ta-ta for now o3o

Monday, January 17, 2011


Awww, sorry guys. You never call. You never write.

Happy new year, I think.

My phone's dead. That's why I'm depressed.

It's 2 pm and I'm sitting in my living room in my jammies. These consist of red plaid pants, a Yellowstone dress thing that's puke green and says 'I moose have a hug' and a baby blue fuzzy sweater.

I look like someone who escaped a mental unit that was kept in the back of a Macy's.

Either way.

I added an iPod gadget, after about an hour of endless suffering. I'll add descriptions of all the songs and why I added them.

Here we go.
Sparks Fly-Epic song
I'd Lie-A nice theme song for myself
Caramelldansen-My hyper song and dance song
Viva La Vida-Theme from 5th grade, by far. We sang it while my enemy recorded.
Llama Song-Llama teeth
Dam Dadi Doo-Another happy song
How To Speak English-Gurgle snerk.

I'll edit once I check the list.

I caused a huge amazement in class about a week ago, since I wrote 'Status: I'm in love' on a desk in pen. I admit it. I was bored. And a bunch of people were yelling 'WHO DID THAT'

I want to learn how to play guitar.

OH. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY I've mastered the use of the potty.
Yeah, AVPS reference.

But no. For the last two weeks, I danced. It was so great. I was a spare, which is means that I danced with a different guy every day.

I had Alex, Cameron, Kevin, Calvin, Paul, Luis, and Kenzo. That's 6 guys. Yeah.

At least, that's how many I remember.


I should stop babbling.

My pet orange died.



Me and AJ kept this orange/clementine as a pet, and named him Carlos after the baby in the Hangover. His first day, AJ carried him to all of her classes.

His second day, I did. I was walking to my locker, when this guy who normally is nice enough, jumped at me and grabbed Carlos, making a long claw mark in him.

Carlos bled to death in my hands and AJ's locker later.

We will miss him.