Monday, August 23, 2010

Let's See...What Should I Name This One...

Well. I'm in the library with AJ, her cousin Katie, Kat, and her little sis Rachie. Still am. I was singing to CleverBot up to now.
Valuable info I found out from CleverBot is that hell is in her toaster, and Virginia is in Kat's.

When something's wrong, who you gonna call? TOASTBUSTERS.

Anyway...we have renamed the library the liberry. This is a delicious lime and berry drink with shavings and toppings of assorted book items.

Because this is my blog, Kat. Mushrooms are not mentioned in a baby blog. Thank you.

AJ, I am not naming my children Alfanzo or Chuck Norris. Sorry. The two guys will be Xommon and Arkan, and the girl Winter. Thank you.

I hope you enjoyed my talkitve little post. That's all.

1 comment:

Comment on. Once I find your comment, and I don't know you, you get your own post! *wink wink* x3