Saturday, July 24, 2010

Yellowstone...Days 1 & 2


It scares me. The forest scares me. All day, I feel only a few feelings...

1. I feel incredibly strong deja vu. I feel like I know where everything is, and what everything is, I just don't know the names. For instance, I knew exactly what an aspen tree looked like. o-0 I knew that we had to turn right to get to some location without a map. Creepy stuff.

2. I feel like the animals of the forest are watching me. Incredibly creepy. I feel golden eyes on my back.

3. I feel left-out. Let me introduce you to my crew.
Barna: The main driver. Huge nose and Calif. tan. Half of head + top is bald, rest has greyish hair. I go up to his shoulder. He drives like a f***ing mainiac. He goes at 60 mph on 30 mph roads, and actually blows his nose or turns around to dig in the backseat while he does it. o-o
Agi: Wife of main driver. Reminds me of grandmother. Pretty nice. Likes tea. Is shorter than me.
Tamas: Is sick with flu. Likes buffalo and old faithful. Blackish hair. Taller than me. Touches boiling water.
Judith: Wife of Tamas. Like black bears, but not up close. Generally quiet. Shorter than me.
My father...: Second-in-command driver. Steers while Barna is leaning out window...Taller than me by a bit. Touches boiling water.
My mom: Wife of second-on-command driver (obivously o-o). Likes moose and elephants. Loves the steam coming from geysers.

MY MOM IS ADDICTED TO GEYSER STEAM. =O Geyser steam or whatev it's called, smells like 8-day-old eggs. Blargh.

I'm too tired to finish the rest. Comment X-X

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