Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sorry, I Was Sick


Oh yes, you read that right. Now keep reading.

Christofer Drew has now been bumped to the top 5 of my list of 'People I Will Never Marry But Insanely Want To"

He is cute (really), funny (really), he curse (like me, and really), he plays guitar (really), and he sings songs. About LOOOOVE.

Really ♥

Speaking of which, I'm trying to teach myself guitar. It's not working out. I'm not bad or anything, it's just that I don't have a guitar.

Yeah. I play ♪Musico♫ on my dad's iPad, which isn't that bad. The problem is, the iPad only senses two touches at once, so I can't hold down more than two strings.

I'm still good enough to play a song by Christofer (called Trouble, go look it up).

I saw the movie Rango. That was pretty 'cool.'

Today we had an author at our school. That wouldn't be weird except for the fact that he wrote a book on ripping off fingernails and making people eat them, building dollhouses out of body parts, and etc.

For those interested, you can go to your library/bookstore and hunt yourself down a copy of The Order of the Oddfish.

Stuff I rather not talk about in school will not be talked about today.


I drew a goddess. Yeah. That's something, I think.

I got back to Crewing shows and missed half a day of school because of it. Now I'm friends with some awesome Grader who's way shorter than me. I called him Marty. He dresses like a carnival guy in his shows.

Really :P

Also, PRINCESS BRIDE. I bought myself a copy of that book. It is the best. Go read it now. It sounds really lame, but it's really awesome. Delicious drolleries, beautifulest ladies, sword fighting, giants, love, hate, death, war, princes, horses, logic, ET CETERA.

I think I'll stop my drolleries here :3

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