What is going on you guys?
Homie g's...Skillet...Dawg...
You thought this blog was dead huh? I don't blame you. But the true question is...
I'm progressively more random, so the reason this is all broken up is because it's like my brain.
*cough cough* I'm sick cause some kid coughed on me for an hour straight.
I'm high on life too.
SET GOALS TO TALK ABOUT, GO! 1. School so far. 2. UhhuhhuhhDISEASES! RIGHT! 3. Coconut water 4. Hamburgers 5. Books 5a. Book characters irl
1~School. I'm not sure if I like moving up grade after grade. It's becoming sort of a death sentence. But we'll see. On the other hand, I watched my Social Studies teacher try to breakdance in front of my locker bay.
Also, a lot of people seem to die. Over the past 2 months, I've heard of 4 deaths. Like, guys. Stop this. You're beautiful or handsome either way.
2~Aj is convinced I have schizophrenia. I don't, guys. To prove that, I'm gonna take a test...
Later on: Uhhhhh...Um...I took a test, and on a scale of 0 to 14+, with 0 being no symptoms and 14+ being definitely yes, I got a...Umm...10? T____T BE QUIET. I'M JUST SPECIAL.
3~Coconut water. I saved this draft after finishing section 2, so I have no clue why I put that there. I think it was because on the side of it, it says 'More potassium than two bananas! Don't tell the monkeys!'
Now I'm thirsty. And sick. Meh.
4~WHY DID I CHOOSE THIS, AHH? I bet the second I post this thing, I'll remember. For now, I'm going to say that hamburgers are awesome.
Have you ever thought about who invented the hotdog? Not so much the hotdog, but the shape? Like, "I'm gonna make a new meat." "Oh boy!" "It's gonna be sort of like a ovalish type thing, like a tube almost." "Hmm. To put in sandwiches?" "Sort of. But I was thinking we should make this rectangle bread that tastes like garbage." "Oh, I see...Well, what should we make it out of?" "Meat. All sorts of options. Just meat." "Err...kay. How about a name? Thought of one yet?" "HOT DOG! THEY'LL NEVER DOUBT THE MEAT AGAIN!"
How about meatballs? We're going to take all of the leftovers from our hotdogs and hamburgers and stuff, and put it into one blob. Bam. What should we call it sir? It's just a ball of meat. THAT'S IT! MEATBALL!
5~Books I have been reading! If you want to live a normal lifestyle, go ahead and read these! First of all, so much manga. I've gotten into Fullmetal Alchemist, Ouran High School Host Club, and re-gotten into Fruits Basket.
Also, there's a book called Divergent that's absolutely LOVELY. It's sort of like taking Hunger Games and Harry Potter, combine them to have a child, make it into a test-tube baby, then inject it with something secret and special. I loved it. Also, the author lives here in Chicago! Crazy. Thank you, Kat for recommending.
Last but not least, a book I'm sure you've never heard of *hipster cough, jk*, The Fault In Our Stars! Woaaaaah. It's SO good! I can't recommend it enough. I got it on hold at the library about 3 months before it came out and have a 'Hanklerfish' in my own copy. Go read it now!
5a~Book characters irl, which might be changed to 'media characters irl' if I get off topic.
Okay. So TFIOS is an awesome book. (I won't spoil it, no worries)
The main beautiful male character is called Augustus Waters. I will not get into how mind-boggling hot this boy is, because your computer might explode at that would be 'bad.' Just imagine a really hot boy. Then he has a friend who's half-blind and has awesome blond 'emo' hair and wears thick glasses called Isaac. People might disagree, but I find him undeniably attractive too.
The point is, I went to school like normal, and I was going to homeroom. I have homeroom in this thing called the 'Home Ec' room, which is where we cook/sew/bake/do stuff.
I go in, and this boy from the period before is stretching out something that looks vaguely like bread and jello mixed together. It's all over his hands.
I put my elbows on the counter, all 'What are you making?' 'Pizza crust.' He looks up at me, and I nearly flip out, because holy mother of turds, he looks EXACTLY like Augustus Waters and Isaac put together!
This has happened before a lot to me, like how AJ's brother's friend looks like Harry Potter.
Did I finish this post in 2 days? Yes! Girl power, nya!
Whew. That took a while.