Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wow Guys...I'm Sorry

I abandoned you. No, it's not your fault. Really.

I mean, I just never got around to blogging. I give you a brief recap.

I held a tarantula in my hand. I saw a beaver getting cut in half. I got four virtual double chins. I went through a whole production of the Wiz. I learned how to play a bunch of awesome songs on the piano. My piano teacher moved. I crewed for four concerts. And I got asked out twice. By the same guy.

Tarantula & Beaver: Field Museum Behind The Scenes Member Night. Sooperdooper cool. Went with AJ, who was my sister for that day.
Double Chins: From my trip to the Science and Industry Museum. Went with Kat, because it was free.
The Wiz: A 'black version of the Wizard of Oz" I love so many of the higher graders now. <3 <3 <3
Piano: Should explain it
Teacher Moved: New studio next to a mint green restaurant. Also sooperdooper.
Four Concerts: Band, Orchestra, Elementary, and Chorus. Loved all of them. Got ice cream.
Mr. Romeo: Don't know him very well (read as: I know his name and his face. That's all). One grade above me. Asked me twice with an interval of 5 minutes between, but neither suceeded.

I'm thinking about making a new blog! Don't get all excited now...Just a possiblity ;D